Date: Thu, 10 Mar 94 04:30:25 PST From: Ham-Digital Mailing List and Newsgroup Errors-To: Ham-Digital-Errors@UCSD.Edu Reply-To: Ham-Digital@UCSD.Edu Precedence: Bulk Subject: Ham-Digital Digest V94 #65 To: Ham-Digital Ham-Digital Digest Thu, 10 Mar 94 Volume 94 : Issue 65 Today's Topics: in the DNS (2 msgs) AX25 PC Software ...? EMAIL to mid ocean? Help Mac->PK232 JVFAX-like program for Macintosh ? (again) Kantronics GTOR (2 msgs) Node Mapper test TPK Software Send Replies or notes for publication to: Send subscription requests to: Problems you can't solve otherwise to Archives of past issues of the Ham-Digital Digest are available (by FTP only) from UCSD.Edu in directory "mailarchives/ham-digital". We trust that readers are intelligent enough to realize that all text herein consists of personal comments and does not represent the official policies or positions of any party. Your mileage may vary. So there. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: 9 Mar 1994 12:31:59 -0000 From:!!agate!!!uknet!warwick!!! Subject: in the DNS To: In article <2ljd1m$ajg@usenet.INS.CWRU.Edu> da884@cleveland.Freenet.Edu (David Toste) writes: > >CH> I was wondering when my hostname would appear in the DNS on >CH> the Internet... I've had it for just under a year, and >CH> wondered when it's likely to turn up. >That's really long time for it to take to get to the DNS, When I got mine, it took about 1 week, if not less. If I where you I would talk to how ever gave >your IP to you, and ask him what's going on. The problem is that in the UK the people who issue addresses generally wouldn't know what name service was if it came and hit them with a rolled up copy of RFC1035. Most of them don't have net access and I suspect some of them don't even know that the AMPRnet address block has anything to do with the Internet.. I tend to update my region (which I'm not coordinator of, I just do it anyway) every so often, but I don't think many of the other areas have been updated in years.. If I can get hold of a complete copy of the UK tables I might well upload the lot to ucsd at some point. 73 Mike -- +-- Mike Knell, University of Nottingham, UK -=- --+ | AMPR: | AX25: | | Clear the laundromat! This whirl-o-matic just had a nuclear meltdown! | +-- GAT(!B) d--- -p+ c++++(---) l++ u+ e+ m+/* s-/ n+ h-- f* !g w+ t+ r-- y* -+ ------------------------------ Date: 8 Mar 94 18:22:19 GMT From: agate!!pipex!uknet!nessie!mucs! Subject: in the DNS To: Hi, I was wondering when my hostname would appear in the DNS on the Internet... I've had it for just under a year, and wondered when it's likely to turn up. Cheers, Ian. -- [ Ian Chard, Systems Integration | Wouldn't you prefer a nice game of chess? ] [ Email: | No, let's play Global Thermonuclear War. ] [ NTS: G7OMZ @ GB7ODM.#16.GBR.EU | Fine. ] [ AMPRnet: | -- WarGames ] ------------------------------ Date: 8 Mar 94 21:31:19 GMT From:!!!!NewsWatcher! Subject: AX25 PC Software ...? To: Hello, I have a friend who has just acquired a PC and is running a MFJ TNC, he is using a VGA monitor ....the question I have for the group is there any shareware out on the internet for AX25 emulation, he want's to setup his PC onto standard AX25 packet and he was wondering if there are any good packages out there ...? If so, could you give me the name and location (FTP site) of the software any help would be greatly appreciated. 73 de Keith .... ********************************************* Keith J Leite KA1AQB AX25 - KA1AQB @ WA1PHY.#EMA.MA.USA.NA AMPR - Internet - ********************************************** ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 9 Mar 1994 07:24:09 +0000 From:!agate!!pipex!uknet!demon!! Subject: EMAIL to mid ocean? To: In article (Mike Waters) writes: > >Traditionally the UK has been one of the stricter nations regarding third >party traffic (i.e. anything other than the sending ham and the receiving >ham), but I understand this may be slowly changing. > Since packet really took off a few years ago the UK rules changed such that messages from amateurs are not considered 'third party', so relaying of messages on behalf of other amateurs is OK. Club stations can also pass greetings messages from non-amateurs (useful for demo stations because you can give the mike to a non-licenced person to speak) to stations in certain countries. Dave -- ***************************************************************************** * G4WRW @ GB7WRW.#41.GBR.EU AX25 * Start at the beginning. Go on * * Internet * until the end. Then stop. * * Amprnet * (the king to the white rabbit) * ***************************************************************************** ------------------------------ Date: 9 Mar 1994 15:58:27 -0500 From:!swrinde!gatech!!!!! Subject: Help Mac->PK232 To: Jeff.... just about any communications application will work just fine for getting on packet with a mac. For years I just used Red Ryder/White Knight and used and constructed macros. Worked great! There are some great applications out there that support just Packet... you can find a Savant demo at the site as well as a couple of others. I have a complete (well almost complete) list of Macintosh ham radio software that should be appearing on the net here very soon... you can skim that and pass it on to your friend.. it will help with what is out there! 73 for now.... c u on the shortwaves Terry Stader - KA8SCP America Online Ham Radio Club Host Internet: (files <28K) or ( files >28K) KA8SCP@WA1PHY.#EMA.MA.USA.NOAM [] Mac [] DOS Clone (they're BOTH pc's!) ------------------------------ Date: 8 Mar 94 15:27:12 GMT From: agate!!!!usc!!pipex!sunic!lunic!!omega!! Subject: JVFAX-like program for Macintosh ? (again) To: I am looking for a JVFAX-like program for Macintosh. Someone gave me a hint about a program called RADFAX, but unfortunately I have mislaid the printout of the mail. I want to be able to run SSTV and FAX with a simple modem. Thank you in advance, Gert E B Carlsson / SM5LWC E-mail: (Linkoping University & Institute of Technology, Lysator Academic Comp. Club) ------------------------------ Date: 9 Mar 1994 16:44:05 GMT From:!!! Subject: Kantronics GTOR To: I also got this info... My concern is similar... It seems that it is a protocol that Kantronics developed. Are they putting this in the public domain so that others can develop to it, or is it a way to force people to buy Kantronics units. As it turns out, I own a KAM and a AEA DSP-2232. So before I invest in another protocol, I want to see it from more than one vendor. Phil de kj6nn ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 10 Mar 1994 00:17:48 GMT From: sgiblab!wetware!spunky.RedBrick.COM!psinntp!psinntp!! Subject: Kantronics GTOR To: Phil Graham ( wrote: : I also got this info... My concern is similar... It seems that it is a : protocol that Kantronics developed. Are they putting this in the public : domain so that others can develop to it, or is it a way to force people to buy : Kantronics units. : As it turns out, I own a KAM and a AEA DSP-2232. So before I invest in another : protocol, I want to see it from more than one vendor. According to Phil Anderson at Kantronics, G-TOR is *not* public domain, but Kantronics is willing to license it to other manufacturers. They also will be publishing articles about it in the amateur literature. There is, for example, a paper in the Proceedings of the 1994 TAPR Annual Meeting. It's not detailed enough to allow one to implement G-TOR, but my understanding is that such information will become available (if I understood Phil correctly). I think Phil understands the "rising tide lifts all boats" theory. -- Jon Bloom KE3Z ------------------------------ Date: 10 Mar 94 08:10:49 GMT From: Subject: Node Mapper To: I'm looking for a program like "Packet tracker" for the Mac, but one that runs on IBM compatibles. For those who don't know what Packet Tracker is, It's a program that automatically graphically maps out a packet user port freq. for all it's nodes. I know APRS kinda does this but it's not perfect. Any advice on a program and where it can be found would be greatly appreciated. thanks, Stephen sharp IBM, Micro Electronics Div. Burlington, VT Internet ID: ------------------------------ Date: 8 Mar 94 23:20:15 GMT From:!agate!!!oakhill! Subject: test To: test ------------------------------ Date: 10 Mar 94 04:23:43 GMT From: agate!!wupost!!! Subject: TPK Software To: Joseph Pfeuffer ( wrote: : Has anyone had any "Experience" with TPK for BBS systems? Hello Joseph, I use TPK with my local FBB PBBS, and I love it to death. It makes reading and sending AX25 mail easy and convenient. It has several mail features including automatic grabbing of personal messages as well as using compression for mail downloads and uploads. I don't know if you're familiar with the way FBB works, but TPK makes use of the features built into FBB. It also has YAPP built in, and it works well. I've found the program to be pretty clean once it's properly configured. I'm using it with a MFJ-1270B which is TNC2 compatible. So it uses more features associated with the TNC command RXBLOCK, one example being a monitor window while connected. TPK's mail features are just for FBB, so if you're local PBBS is FBB I'd grab a copy and try it out. If you need help, just send me E-Mail. Hope this helped. Peace, Jason Turning N6WBL@KD6XZ.#NOCAL.CA.USA.NA ------------------------------ Date: 9 Mar 1994 17:02:56 GMT From: olivea!charnel!xmission!!! To: References , <2kvi0e$>, Subject : Re: megabit per second packet (was "Re: Packet at 1.2 GHz (23cm)?") In article (Jay Sissom) writes: :>[...] Check out the ARRL handbook for a neat design for a 10GHz design :>that's MUCH cheaper, will not bother anyone, and is easy to build. It :>goes up to 10MBps! :I saw the article in the handbook and it looks interesting, but I didn't find :a thing in the article that talked about computer to transceiver interfacing. :The schematic stoped at the +/- RX and +/- TX lines. Does anyone know what to :do with those lines to get them interfaced to a PC? Has anyone built this :project? Comments anyone? Not everyone has a clone machine. If it's a design which runs at 10MBps, then it would be a natural to hook up to ethernet. The best way to go would be to use thin-wire ethernet. Has anyone investigated this possibility? -- KB7VBF -- |================= #include ================///=============| | "AMIGA: The computer for the creative mind" (tm) Commodore /// Weber State | | "Macintosh: The computer for the rest of us"(tm) Apple \\\/// University | |== "I think, therefore I AMiga" -- ==\///= Ogden UT USA =| ------------------------------ End of Ham-Digital Digest V94 #65 ******************************